Publicaţia "Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology (RSCB)"

Online. Publicaţia este editata de Universitatea de vest "Vasile Goldis" din Arad si de Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca. Are recunoaştere CNCSIS în categoria B+.

Details about publication: Editorial Board: Prof. univ. dr. Aurel ARDELEAN Prof. univ. dr. Constantin CRĂCIUN (Co-editors in chief). Members: Prof. dr. GavrIă ARDELEAN; Prof. dr.Nicolae DRAGOŞ; Prof. dr.Corneliu TARBA; Read.dr.Anca HERMENEAN; Read.dr.Corina ROŞIORU; Sen.Res.dr. Constantin PUICĂ; Lect.dr.Adrian FLOREA; Lect.dr.George PRIBAC. Advisory Board: Prof.dr.Maya Simionescu – Romanian Academy member, President of RSCB; Prof.dr.Gheorghe ZARNEA, Romanian Academy member; Prof.dr.Constantin TOMA, Romanian Academy corresponding member; SenRes.dr.Doina POPOV, Romanian Academy corresponding member; Prof.dr.Marian-Traian GOMOIU, Romanian Academy corresponding member; Prof.dr.Gheorghe BENGA, Romanian Academy corresponding member; Prof.dr.Octavian POPESCU, Romanian Academy corresponding member; Prof.dr.Jean MONTREUIL, Lille Univ. France; Prof.dr.Klaus WEGMANN, Tubingen Univ.Germany; Prof.dr.Florin RUSU, Oklahoma Univ. USA; Prof.dr.Lakatos GHYULA, Debrecen Univ. Hungary; Prof.dr.Miklos ZSUGA, Debrecen Univ. Hungary; Prof.dr.Jena BHANU, Wayne State Univ.Detroit, USA; Prof.dr.Ivo KRSTIC, Novi Sad Univ. Serbia; Prof.dr.Constantin CODRUTZ, “Gr.T.Popa” Univ, Iaşi; Prof.dr.Iacob CHECIU, West Univ. Timişoara; Sen.Res.dr.Mircea Antoniu RUSU, Biological Research Inst. Cluj-Napoca; Prof.dr.Dorina CACHIŢA, President of Rom.Soc. for Plant Cell and Tissue Cultures; Prof.dr.Viorel MICLĂUŞ, Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine Univ. Cluj-Napoca.
Lucrări identificate cu plagiate/ Plagiarized works
Opera neautentică / NON-authentic work
Opera autentică /Authentic work
ARDELEAN, Aurel, PRIBAC, C. George, BODO, Eniko, CZAPAR, Marika, MOS, Liana, and COTORACI, Coralia. Protective effects of mild and moderate hypothermia on cultured neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid NG108-15 cells. Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology (RSCB). 14(1). 2009. 45-50.

Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors
AGNEW, D.M., KOEHLER, R.C., GUERGUERIAN, A.M., SHAFFNER, D.H., TRAYSTMAN, R.J., MARTIN , L.J. and ICHORD, R.N. Hypothermia for 24 Hours After Asphyxic Cardiac Arrest in Piglets Provides Striatal Neuroprotection That Is Sustained 10 Days After Rewarming. Pediatric Research. 54(2). 253-262.
ARDELEAN, Aurel, PRIBAC, C. George, BODO, Eniko, CZAPAR, Marika, MOS, Liana, and COTORACI, Coralia. Protective effects of mild and moderate hypothermia on cultured neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid NG108-15 cells. Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology (RSCB). 14(1). 2009. 45-50.

Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors
SHIBANO, T., MORIMOTO, Y., KEMMOTSU, O., SHIKAMA, H., HISANO, K. and HUA, Y. Effects of mild and moderate hypothermia on apoptosis in neuronal PC12 cells. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 89(2). 2002. 301-305.
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